Grace Kids
Sundays | 10:30 am
All kids from 3-11 years old have their own kids celebration. Learning and growing their faith together through, games, teachings, stories, crafts, small groups and more.
A nursery is available for kids 0-3 years old.
Sundays | 5:00–6:30 pm
A Sunday evening fellowship opportunity offered year round
to youth between sixth and
twelfth grade.
While music is a major component of our Sunday corporate gatherings, we desire to use the fullness of the creative gifts God has given us not only on Sundays but in all we do as a church body.
We desire to equip and empower artists of all varieties to use their gifts wherever they are for God’s glory. If you’d like to learn more about these efforts and join our team of artists click the button below.
The Sunday morning creative arts team comprises four different areas which provide opportunities for individuals to share their gifts and talents:
Service of Prayer and Worship
Watch Church Calendar for date | 6:30 pm
God declared, “My house will be called a house of prayer” (Is 56:7; Jer 7:11; Mt 21:13…) and so, in obedience to God’s declaration, we gather to pray. The service is always unique, as it is member lead. Come, bring your prayers before the Lord, lift
Him up in praise and thanksgiving, confess your sins to Him and pray
for intercession on behalf
of those you love.
Prayer Warriors
We are a praying Church. Prayer is the basis of everything that we do. Because of this, we pray over every seat before Sunday service, pray for the petitions of our church, and have a team that prays in the pastor’s study during every service. We’d love to have you join us in this vital ministry.
Meets the Third Thursday of Each Month
Forever Friends has been providing support and opportunities for special needs friends in the Fort Mill and surrounding areas for 10 years. This is an opportunity for our Forever Friends to experience a personal relationship with God and fellowship within the church. Each time we meet it is full of joyful praise music, fun, games and refreshments.
We believe people with disabilities should have the opportunity to learn and grow in their Christian faith through a loving and nurturing environment adapted to accommodate their special needs.
Any friend under the age of 16 years of age will need parent or adult company present.
Come join us every third Thursday from 6:30 to 8:00 pm
Attend at Grace
We hope you can come join us for fun and fellowship with our Forever Friends.
Showing love to the congregation & staff
The Care and Nurture Team provides communion and visitation for the homebound members of our congregation. We also provide encouragement and support to members going through difficult times. This includes facilitating the provision of meals when needed, as well as other support and care. Additionally, we provide encouragement and care for our staff and provide ways in which the congregation can join us in this endeavor.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Care and Nurture Team and make us aware of any needs you may have or concerning the care needs of others.
We meet on the first Wednesday of each month at 2:00 PM at the church.
If you have a heart for this ministry but cannot attend the meetings, please let us know so we can add you to our communications list.
Classes offered
Watch for dates of next classes
Spring 2024
“Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.” James 5:14 (NIV)
The heart of Grace Community Church is a love for Jesus. As a part of that love, we are a praying church that believes God answers prayers. If you have a heart for seeing people healed physically, emotionally, and spiritually, this group could use you! We pray over folks before, during, and after selected services. We also hold training from time to time to strengthen and encourage you.
Facilatator—Elder of Congregational Care Gregg Johnston
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